Monday, September 22, 2008

Growing Up

And what will you do when you grow up? :-)


LoveRundle said...

Those were so cute. I think you got your point across, though it was still a major laugh to see that baby laying there with that comment.

Hmmm, what will I be? I haven't made up my mind yet. I was going for Princess, but lately I thought Space Pirate sounds a bit fun.

FANCY said...

How cute is not that...;) I will do about everything I could not rich when I was little and play and when I do all this my mama cant say NO or HOOT-TOOT...*LOL*

ANNA-LYS said...

Ha ha ha .... :-))

When I grow up ...
dear Steve, I am afraid I never will.

Must one?????


Steve Malley said...

Christina, Space Pirate sounds *GREAT*. I wanna join!

Fancy, my mama still tries to say HOOT-TOOT, but it doesn't work very well! :)

Anna-Lys, If in all my many, many, *many* years I haven't grown up yet, you may well be safe. :-D

FANCY said...

Still here?

FANCY said...

Feel warm Welcome to my Tuesday Blog-party,Take some of your friends with you... the rules are simple...I don't take NO for an answer...more about it you can find

Anne Vis said...

Cute! :-)