Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Strange Days

My friend JoJo rarely touches money. His paycheck goes straight into his bank, and he uses his EFTPOS card (like an ATM card that works at the register) to take it back out again. When he wants to know his balance, or pay a bill, online auction, etc., he can bank from his cell phone.

The other day, we were out and he felt like a Coke. So he pulled out his cell, and it told him where the nearest machine was! Even weirder, he used his cell to PAY FOR THE DRINK!

Now, those so inclined can also use their cell phones to pay the parking meters downtown. How freaking weird is that?

I don't know. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I miss the days when money rustled in the hand. I open my wallet, I see I got some, or I don't. And when I leave the house, I make the decision-- while I'm still in my living room and not blinded by *must-have* items-- whether or not I'm going to spend any while I'm out.

When the supermarket starts letting JoJo pay with his phone, people like me will probably be put in camps for 'reorientation'....


James Robert Smith said...

I'm almost to the point where I miss cash. It's a control thing. The authorities like to be able to control everything and every coin. They like it when it's all in the ether where they can monitor it.

I used to earn my living selling collectible up and down the east coast of the USA. Cash only. The government hates that. They can't track it.

FANCY said...

What is cash and what is money...can I eat it? *giggle*

Unknown said...


you are fantastic!!!

a kiss for you, my dear friend!

god bless u dear

can we exchange our link

r u ready to do?

Barbara Martin said...

It's only a matter of time before governments get deeper into our private lives with a financial card just to see where we acquire our money and where we spend it.

Besides, I like to count my money, bills and coins, or what's left of it two weeks after pay day. There's a very satisfactory feel to doing that.