Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bones Ground, Bread Made

Not sure what I was aiming for when I started this painting, but The Ogre it's been christened, and The Ogre it shall be!

I particularly like the detail in the face:

Maybe in the next few days I'll try to do another post showing it in its various stages. The one shown above isn't actually finished, but it is the most recent picture I have...
Just in case y'all wondered what I do with my days!


ANNA-LYS said...

Fantastic, wish I had that competence! Thank You for "Tom Jobin", I play it and have linked a little thank You!

(( hug ))

Miladysa said...

Ogre - I can see why :-D

I love the blues, especially the background and trees!

FANCY said...

At last...I have been musing over what you are playing with all day long - and my hair was starting to be Grey...Phuuu...what a relief...;-)

Your art is really great and I can understand why you are satisfied with the face.

cs harris said...

Love the perspective. Do post another photo when it is finished. How big is it?

ANNA-LYS said...

Waiting, waiting for Moooorrre :-p

Happy Easter Holiday!

FANCY said...

Hope that your Easter have bean wonderful

FANCY said...

What is happening here..just a little bit nosy ;-)

James Robert Smith said...

Nice. Looks very...superhero-ish.