Saturday, January 27, 2007

Is This Thing ON?

For some reason, blogger's been locking me out of this one.

I'm still posting, but most over on my writing blog. I'm in the process of doing a first draft right now on the newest novel, so my posts track the progress and any side-thoughts that come up in the book's creation. So far, it's a lot of fun.

Of course, at 16,000 words, I'm still in the honeymoon phase. We'll see how I like it at 75,000 when I'm sure it'll never be finished and that if I do finish it, it'll be the suckiest suck that ever sucked. Bet the blogging will be fun then!

I hope blogger lets *this* one publish....

1 comment:

Sidney said...

Blogger has it's horrors. I got locked out of my blog for a while once but they finally got the problem corrected. One of my friends finally gave up and just started another.

The tracking of the book's gestation sounds fun and it will provide an interesting record when it's all said and done I'm sure.